Halloween Glow Stick Ideas for a Safe Night (and Free Printable!)

The Halloween season is here, and it's time to unleash your creativity and prepare for an exciting night of trick-or-treating. As parents, our priority is to ensure the safety of our little ones while they have a blast. That's why we've curated some innovative Halloween glow stick ideas just for you! And guess what? We even have a free printable to make your night even more special.

Halloween Glow Stick Gift HERO

Glow Stick & Safety

When darkness falls, ensuring visibility is essential for a safe Halloween adventure. That's where glow sticks and other light-up items come to the rescue. By wearing something bright like a glow stick necklace or bracelet, you can make sure that people know where you are, especially when the streets are less visible. Glow sticks are perfect because they can last for up to 12 hours without running out when you need them most. Plus, they're not just for Halloween; we also recommend using them during camping trips!

Ideas for Using Glow Sticks on Halloween Night

There are countless ways to incorporate glow sticks into your Halloween night to promote safety and add a touch of excitement. Here are a few creative ideas to light up the night:

  • Give glow sticks as treats in your child's classroom with our adorable pumpkin printable (see below).
  • Instead of sweet treats, hand out glow sticks to the trick-or-treaters who visit your home.
  • Make your child's costume truly stand out by adding a glow stick (remember, keep them away from younger kids as they can be a choking hazard).
  • Attach glow sticks to your child's Halloween night wagon, buggy, or stroller to make it easier for them to spot you in the crowd.
  • Create glow stick necklaces or bracelets for your child and their friends, making it easier to find each other while navigating through yards, crossing streets, or switching trick-or-treat bags.

So, when you're stocking up on goodies for Halloween, make sure to add some glow sticks to your cart. With these Halloween glow stick ideas, you can rest assured that the kids and their friends will be glowing and safe throughout their trick-or-treat adventure.

Halloween Pumpkin Glow Stick Holder

We're thrilled to introduce our latest addition to the free printable collection: the adorable Halloween Pumpkin Glow Stick Holder. It's not only cute but also incredibly easy to use. This holder is the perfect way to gift glow sticks, which are a fantastic non-food option if you're looking to avoid potential food allergies.

Glow Stick Holder Supplies

To assemble these glow stick holders, you'll need the following supplies:

  • Glow sticks
  • Tape
  • Scissors
  • X-acto knife
  • Our printable (For optimal sturdiness, we recommend printing on cardstock.)

Halloween Glow Stick Holder Supplies

To access our printable, simply enter your email address in the box and subscribe to receive our free newsletter. Check your inbox for this exclusive printable, available only to our valued subscribers. Please note that this file is for PERSONAL USE ONLY. You may not sell the digital file, sell the printed work, or redistribute them in any form.

How to Assemble

Here's a simple guide to assembling the glow stick holders:

  1. Print our glow stick holders on white cardstock.
  2. With scissors or an X-acto knife, cut along the two dotted lines on each holder.
  3. Slide two glow sticks through both holes on each card.
  4. Tape two connectors to the back of each card.

Halloween Glow Stick Connectors

That's it! You're now ready to gift your unique Halloween Pumpkin Glow Stick Holders. If you'd like, you can even have your child sign the backs of these holders. And don't forget to explore our other Halloween ideas, featuring a variety of crafts and recipes.

If you decide to use these printables, we'd love to hear all about your experience! Feel free to tag us on social media with pictures of your creations. The Shill Art community always enjoys seeing our printables in action.


Glow Stick Holder Printable PIN

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