Free Printable Trick-or-Treat Tracts

Our family has approached Halloween in various ways throughout the years. When our kids were younger, we tried to avoid it altogether. However, we now strive to redeem the holiday. One of the ways we do this is by designing and distributing free printable trick-or-treat tracts.

Living in a neighborhood that attracts hundreds of trick-or-treaters every Halloween, we realized the incredible opportunity this presents. It's like reverse door-to-door evangelism – we stay home, and the people come to us! So, each year, I design a new gospel tract to accompany the candy we hand out. Would you like some Halloween tracts to distribute to your own trick-or-treaters? Scroll down and choose from the ten designs we've published to date.

In light of the recent tragedies our nation has faced, I wanted this year's tract to convey an especially timely message. Kids are not immune to the news; they worry about the state of affairs more than we realize. It's crucial for children to know that when we trust in Jesus, we have nothing to fear.

The tract features powerful verses such as “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, for You are with me” (Psalm 23:4). God's Word assures us not to be afraid, for He is with us (Isaiah 41:10). It encourages us to give all our worries and cares to God because He cares for us (1 Peter 5:7). Additionally, we're reminded not to be anxious but to pray about everything (Philippians 4:6). God promises to help us and take care of tomorrow (Isaiah 41:13, Matthew 6:34).

Now, let's explore some of the captivating designs of these free printable trick-or-treat tracts:

Do Cats Really Have 9 Lives?

While felines may seem to have nine lives, humans only have one. It's essential to make our lives count and be mindful that one day, we will be held accountable for how we spent it.

Do You Want a Trick or a Treat?

In the battle between Satan, who comes to steal, kill, and destroy, and Jesus, who offers abundant life, the choice should be effortless.

Who Can Defeat the Powers of Darkness?

Jesus is the light of the world, and in Him, there is no darkness. He has conquered sin, death, and the grave. He calls us out of darkness, inviting us to walk in His glorious light.

We Are Living in Troubled Times

Despite the troubles that surround us, we want to encourage kids and parents alike to place all their burdens in Christ's hands. This tract beautifully conveys this message.

Our King is Generous and Good

On the years we distribute this tract, we hand out full-size candy bars to the trick-or-treaters. Their eyes light up when they see the special treat. Just as God has been generous to us, we desire to reflect His generosity to others.

Are Zombies Real?

This clever design emphasizes the importance of accepting the new life that Christ offers instead of remaining among the “walking dead.”

What Do You Live For?

This thought-provoking question, accompanied by a drawing of a stash of candy, aims to give trick-or-treaters an eternal perspective.

Do You Know How to “Rest in Peace?”

In these troubled times, many people are desperately searching for peace. This tract provides clear directions on where to find it.

Don't Get Spooked

This Halloween tract is packed with Scripture to remind recipients of God's unchanging and powerful Word.

Jesus is No Frankenstein

This analogy reminds us that Jesus, the miraculous Messiah, bears no resemblance to the monstrous fictional character Frankenstein. There is truly no comparison.

To print these Halloween tracts, simply click on any of the images above or the text links provided in the original article. Each design prints four copies per sheet, so after printing, cut the tracts apart and fold them along the center. We recommend printing on colored paper to add a festive touch. We usually package our tracts in snack-sized bags along with a handful of candy, making it easy for trick-or-treaters to grab and go.

In addition to these Halloween tracts, we have a wide variety of gospel tracts for other holidays. Check out our Christmas-themed, Valentine-themed, and multi-page tracts, among others. You can find our entire collection of gospel tracts, including designs for New Year's, Easter, Fourth of July, Thanksgiving, and more.

Finally, if you prefer to avoid Halloween altogether or live in a rural area far from trick-or-treating neighbors, you can transform the day into a history lesson by celebrating Reformation Day. Discover our favorite resources for this alternative approach in the original article.

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