90+ Spooky Halloween Trivia Questions For All Ages (+Answers)

Halloween is a holiday beloved by both kids and adults, and what better way to bring the spooky season to the office than with a Halloween trivia game? From decorating your space to dressing up and playing games, there are endless possibilities to create an engaging and fun-filled Halloween experience for your team. And if you're here reading this article, chances are you're considering including a Halloween trivia activity in your office celebration.

If you're planning a virtual team-building activity or want to add an icebreaker before another event, we highly recommend our in-built trivia game feature on Quizbreaker. Our platform offers a plethora of fun Halloween trivia questions for you to enjoy with your team or family. Click here to try Quizbreaker for free.


  1. Halloween Facts Trivia
  2. Halloween Animal Trivia
  3. The Origin of Halloween Trivia
  4. Trick-or-Treating Trivia
  5. Halloween Costumes Trivia
  6. Halloween Monsters Trivia
  7. Halloween Songs Trivia
  8. Halloween Literature Trivia
  9. Halloween Movie Trivia
    Frequently Asked Questions
    Final Words

Halloween Facts Trivia

Let's start with a range of Halloween facts to test your general knowledge about this beloved holiday.

  1. What house has been recognized by the Guinness Book of World Records as the world’s longest haunted house?

    • Answer: The Cutting Edge Haunted House.
  2. How is Halloween less commonly referred to as?

    • Answer: Allhalloween, All Hallows'Eve, or All Saints' Eve.
  3. What item is banned only during Halloween in Hollywood?

    • Answer: Silly string.
  4. What place holds the Guinness World title for the most jack-o’-lanterns lit in one place?

    • Answer: Keene, New Hampshire, United States.
  5. What are some common Halloween traditions?

    • Answer: trick-or-treating, telling spooky stories, visiting haunted houses, making jack-o’-lanterns, wearing Halloween costumes, and more.
  6. Some people end up wearing their clothing inside out on Halloween – why is that?

    • Answer: Allegedly, wearing your clothes inside out on Halloween and walking backward means you could see a witch at midnight.
  7. Which phobia denotes an intense fear of Halloween?

    • Answer: Samhainophobia.
  8. A person born on Halloween is said to have what particular ability, based on some superstitions?

    • Answer: The ability to see and communicate with spirits.
  9. Who is said to haunt the White House Rose Garden?

    • Answer: The ghost of First Lady Dolley Madison.
  10. What do the Halloween colors black and orange symbolize?

    • Answer: Orange stands for harvest and warmth, while black signifies death and darkness.

Halloween Animal Trivia

Animals associated with Halloween play a significant role in how this holiday is celebrated and perceived. Let's test your knowledge about these creatures.

  1. What mammal capable of flying is usually associated with Halloween?

    • Answer: The bat.
  2. Besides sucking human blood, what do bats and vampires have in common?

    • Answer: They usually only come out at night.
  3. The Puritans are said to have been the first to associate what type of black-colored animals with bad luck?

    • Answer: Cats.
  4. Do you know what the Druids did with their cats on Samhain?

    • Answer: The Druids allegedly threw cats into a fire as part of their divination proceedings.
  5. What are the various forms that a vampire can take in Ewe folklore?

    • Answer: The adze, a vampire being in Ewe folklore, can turn into a firefly but will revert back to a human shape if captured.
  6. In The Nightmare Before Christmas, what was Oogie Boogie made of?

    • Answer: He was a burlap sack filled with spiders, insects, and a snake for a tongue.
  7. What are the names of the Addams Family's pet piranhas?

    • Answer: Tristan and Isolde.
  8. What’s the name of Wednesday's pet spider on The Addams Family?

    • Answer: Homer.
  9. And what about her lizard?

    • Answer: Lucifer.
  10. What was the first Hollywood mainstream movie to feature a werewolf?

    • Answer: Werewolf of London, released by Universal Pictures in 1935.

The Origin of Halloween Trivia

Halloween has a rich history, and it's always interesting to delve into its origins. Let's test your knowledge about the origin of this holiday.

  1. Where does the term “jack o’lantern” come from?

    • Answer: The term is closely connected to the Irish mythology of Stingy Jack, a drunkard who makes a deal with Satan and is bound to wander the Earth with only a hollowed turnip to guide him.
  2. What was candy corn originally called?

    • Answer: Chicken Feed.
  3. Which First Lady ever decorated the White House for Halloween?

    • Answer: Mamie Eisenhower.
  4. What Celtic tradition led to trick-or-treating as we know it today?

    • Answer: For the purposes of the Samhain celebration, people would put food or treats out to pacify evil spirits.
  5. When was Halloween celebrated for the first time ever in the United States?

    • Answer: 1840s.
  6. According to superstition, if you stare into a mirror at midnight on Halloween, what are you meant to see?

    • Answer: Your future husband or wife.
  7. What does the word “Halloween” mean?

    • Answer: It means “hallowed evening” or “holy night.”
  8. What was the first city in the United States to plan an official Halloween celebration?

    • Answer: Anoka, Minnesota.
  9. What do people traditionally “bob” for at Halloween?

    • Answer: Apples.
  10. In Scotland, what vegetable used to be carved into a jack-o-lantern?

    • Answer: A turnip.

Trick-or-Treating Trivia

Trick-or-treating is a quintessential Halloween activity. Let's test your knowledge about this beloved tradition.

  1. What are some of the most popular Halloween candy options in the United States?

    • Answer: M&Ms, Reese’s Cups, Skittles, Snickers, Candy corn, Hershey Kisses, Tootsie Pops, and more.
  2. How many calories are found in an average trick-or-treater’s Halloween stash?

    • Answer: Around 11,000.
  3. How many pieces of candy does the average house give to every trick-or-treater?

    • Answer: Two pieces.
  4. Is the pumpkin a fruit or a vegetable?

    • Answer: Fruit.
  5. Which character in It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown got a bag of rocks when they went trick-or-treating?

    • Answer: Charlie Brown.
  6. Approximately how many pieces of candy does a plastic jack-o'-lantern carry?

    • Answer: 250.
  7. When did the modern version of trick-or-treating for Halloween candy become popular?

    • Answer: 1940s.
  8. What’s the most searched for Halloween candy on Google?

    • Answer: Candy corn.
  9. What’s the mega-popular Halloween candy that was named after a horse?

    • Answer: Snickers.
  10. What does it mean if you happen to see a blue pumpkin while trick-or-treating?

    • Answer: It means that the house is providing allergy-free treats or using their last year's pumpkin.

Halloween Costumes Trivia

Dressing up in Halloween costumes is a central part of celebrating this holiday. Let's test your knowledge about Halloween costumes.

  1. How did Halloween dressing come to be?

    • Answer: Many Europeans dressed up in costumes on Halloween to ward off spirits they believed had returned to Earth.
  2. What two countries popularized Halloween costumes for trick-or-treating?

    • Answer: Scotland and Ireland.
  3. In what American state is it illegal to dress up as a priest or nun for Halloween?

    • Answer: Alabama.
  4. In Mean Girls, Lindsay Lohan’s character wears what type of costume to the Halloween party?

    • Answer: She’s the bride of Frankenstein.
  5. According to the National Retail Federation, which children’s costume holds the number one spot year after year?

    • Answer: Princess.
  6. What was the most popular Halloween costume in early Celtic culture made of?

    • Answer: Animal skins.
  7. Jason wore what type of mask in the Friday the 13th film series?

    • Answer: A hockey mask.
  8. Try to guess the following trick-or-treater: a boy dressed in a space suit with a “Space Ranger” badge and a green belt. Who is this mysterious spaceman?

    • Answer: Buzz Lightyear.
  9. Try to guess the following trick-or-treater in a classic character's costume: she's wearing a blue outfit with red on top and yellow on the bottom, with a red ribbon in her black hair. Who is she?

    • Answer: Snow White.
  10. Try to guess the following trick-or-treater: he’s wearing a brown dog costume and also has a yellow and blue collar tag with initials on it. Who’s this doggy?

    • Answer: Scooby-Doo.

Halloween Monsters Trivia

Halloween monsters are an essential part of the spooky season. Let's test your knowledge about these mystical creatures.

  1. What are some actors who have played Dracula? Name at least three.

    • Answer: Max Schreck, Christopher Lee, Francis Lederer, Denholm Elliott, Rudolf Martin, Klaus Kinski, Gary Oldman, David Niven, Charles Macaulay, Keith-Lee Castle, Gerard Butler, Duncan Regehr, Richard Roxburgh, Marc Warren, Thomas Kretschmann, Dominic Purcell, Claes Bang, and more.
  2. What does it mean if you see a spider on Halloween?

    • Answer: It's thought to be a loved one's spirit guarding the person who found the spider.
  3. Who creates the creature in Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein?

    • Answer: Victor Frankenstein.
  4. According to superstitions, how can you get rid of a ghost?

    • Answer: Walk around the ghost nine times, and it will disappear.
  5. What word begins with the letter C, looks like a pot, and is used by witches to brew potions and cast their evil spells?

    • Answer: A cauldron.
  6. Can you complete this witch chant: double, double, toil and _____?

    • Answer: Trouble.
  7. Which film popularized the modern visual image of the witch, with flowing robes, a pointed hat, a mole, and a hooked nose?

    • Answer: The Wizard of Oz.
  8. Where can you find mummies?

    • Answer: Inside the Egyptian pyramids.
  9. During the Middle Ages, how was the practice of witchcraft perceived?

    • Answer: Heresy.
  10. According to a legend, tattoos, a unibrow, and a long middle finger are signs of what Halloween creature?

    • Answer: A werewolf.

Halloween Songs Trivia

Halloween-inspired songs create the perfect spooky atmosphere. Let's test your knowledge about these eerie tunes.

  1. According to the well-known song, which family is said to be “creepy, kooky, mysterious, and spooky”?

    • Answer: The Addams Family.
  2. Is it true that there’s a band in North America called Smashing Pumpkins?

    • Answer: True.
  3. The song “This is Halloween” is featured in which movie?

    • Answer: The Nightmare Before Christmas.
  4. A 1984 song asked, “Who you gonna call?”, and the answer is what?

    • Answer: Ghostbusters.
  5. Who performed the song?

    • Answer: Ray Parker Jr.
  6. Taylor Swift’s song “Haunted” appears on which album?

    • Answer: Speak Now.
  7. Which Irish band has a hit song named “Zombie”?

    • Answer: The Cranberries.
  8. The following lines are from which song: “Cause this is thriller, thriller night, and no one's gonna save you from the beast about to strike”?

    • Answer: “Thriller”.
  9. Bobby Pickett’s song goes like this: “They played the monster mash/ (The monster mash) It was a graveyard __”?

    • Answer: Smash.
  10. Who sings the song “Spooky Scary Skeletons”?

    • Answer: Andrew Gold.

Halloween Literature Trivia

Halloween-inspired literature offers a wealth of spooky stories. Let's test your knowledge about Halloween literature.

  1. When and where was the first appearance of Halloween in a fictional work?

    • Answer: In 1914, in James Joyce’s Clay.
  2. The following lines are taken from which short story?
    “For the most wild, yet most homely narrative which I am about to pen, I neither expect nor solicit belief. Mad indeed would I be to expect it, in a case where my very senses reject their own evidence. Yet, mad am I not – and very surely do I not dream. But to-morrow I die, and to-day I would unburthen my soul. My immediate purpose is to place before the world, plainly, succinctly, and without comment, a series of mere household events. In their consequences, these events have terrified – have tortured – have destroyed me. Yet I will not attempt to expound them.”

    • Answer: The Black Cat, by Edgar Allan Poe.
  3. The following lines are from what famous Halloween poem?
    “Among the bonny winding banks,
    Where Doon rins, wimplin' clear,
    Where Bruce ance ruled the martial ranks,
    And shook his Carrick spear,
    Some merry, friendly, country-folks,
    Together did convene,
    To burn their nits, and pou their stocks,
    And haud their Halloween,
    Fu' blithe that night.”

    • Answer: Halloween, by Robert Burns.
  4. Who wrote It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown?

    • Answer: Charles M. Schulz.
  5. Norman Partridge published Dark Harvest in what year?

    • Answer: In 2006.
  6. How do Hermione, Ron, and Harry usually celebrate the 31st of October at Hogwarts?

    • Answer: By attending the annual Hogwarts Halloween Feast.
  7. In Shakespeare’s Macbeth, how many witches are there?

    • Answer: Three.
  8. In “The Diary of a Wimpy Kid,” how do Rowley and Greg escape when teenagers chase them on Halloween?

    • Answer: By hiding at Greg’s grandma’s house.
  9. In which Grimm fairy tale can we find a witch with a house made out of gingerbread?

    • Answer: “Hansel and Gretel”.
  10. What’s Bram Stoker’s original name?

    • Answer: Abraham Stoker.

Halloween Movie Trivia

Halloween-inspired movies can be both scary and entertaining. Let's test your knowledge about these iconic films.

  1. Which Disney movie got banned in Denmark?

    • Answer: The Skeleton Dance (1929).
  2. What year was the movie Young Frankenstein released?

    • Answer: 1974.
  3. What’s the name of the young witch in Halloweentown?

    • Answer: Marnie Piper.
  4. Which of the following events in the Harry Potter world takes place on Halloween – the Yule Ball, the Quidditch World Cup, or the Goblet of Fire selection?

    • Answer: Goblet of Fire selection.
  5. What’s the screaming masked person in The Scream called?

    • Answer: Ghostface.
  6. How much did the 1978 Halloween movie cost to make?

    • Answer: The movie had a budget of only $300,000 but grossed $47 million at the U.S. box office.
  7. How much time did it take John Carpenter and Debra Hill to write the screenplay for the original Halloween movie?

    • Answer: Approximately ten days.
  8. Michael Myers plays the antagonist in all of the Halloween movies, except which one?

    • Answer: Halloween III: Season of the Witch.
  9. Where do the Ghostbusters set up their headquarters?

    • Answer: Fire station.
  10. Who voices Count Dracula in Hotel Transylvania?

    • Answer: Adam Sandler.

Frequently Asked Questions

What can I do with these Halloween trivia questions?

Halloween trivia questions are great for team-building events, icebreaker sessions, and informal meetings with your employees. You can host a trivia night or a laid-back after-work trivia event where your employees can divide into teams, answer the trivia questions, and score points.

How can I host a Halloween trivia event for my employees?

To host a Halloween trivia event for your employees, decide on the trivia format, choose the Halloween trivia questions, come up with game rules, prepare the necessary materials, and inform your attendees about the event details. Be prepared to improvise and have fun during the event.

Should I host a trivia event if some of my employees don’t celebrate/like Halloween?

Consider your employees' preferences before hosting a Halloween trivia event. If some employees don't celebrate or like Halloween, you can explore other themes or activities that resonate with them. It's essential to accommodate the needs and preferences of everyone in the office.

Final Words

Halloween offers endless opportunities for fun and celebration. Whether you choose to host a Halloween trivia event, plan a film screening, organize an escape room game, or host a work-appropriate Halloween celebration, make sure to create a spooktacular experience for your employees.

Remember to have fun, be inclusive, and respect everyone's preferences. Happy Halloween!

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