How to Draw a Bear Step by Step With Pictures

Video how to draw a realistic black bear step by step

How to Draw an American Black Bear Walking Side View

Are you passionate about art and eager to learn how to draw an American Black Bear? Look no further! In this free art lesson, we will guide you through the process step-by-step. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced artist, these tutorials are designed to help you express your creativity. So, grab your pencil and let's get started!

Following the Bear's Footsteps

To draw the Black Bear, follow the video tutorial below. Pause the video after each step to draw at your own pace. If you prefer written instructions, don't worry! We have provided step-by-step photos as well. The new lines in each step are highlighted in red, making it easy for you to follow along.

Step 1: Start by drawing three circles as guides for the black bear's head and body

Step 1: Getting Started

Let's begin by drawing three circles as guides for the black bear's head and body. If you're having trouble drawing perfect circles, you can trace the outer rims of circular objects like coins or bottle caps. Pay attention to the size and spacing of the circles.

Step 2: Inside the head circle on the right, draw two curved lines as guides to help you place the facial features later on

Step 2: Shaping the Head

Inside the head circle on the right, draw two curved lines as guides for the facial features. Additionally, draw a small circle at the bottom right side of the head to create the bear's muzzle. Take note of the size and position of the muzzle in relation to the head circle. Finally, add two short arcs as guides for the ears at the top.

Step 3: Under each body circle, draw two long, angled lines as guides for the bear's legs

Step 3: Building the Body

Under each body circle, draw two long, angled lines as guides for the bear's legs. Bend the lines to indicate where the joints and feet will be. Pay attention to the slope of the lines to show the bear stepping forward. The hind leg on the left should be the longest line.

Step 4: Connect the head to the body using curved lines to create the guide for the bear's neck. Connect the body circles using longer, horizontal lines to form the torso

Step 4: Joining the Head and Body

Connect the head circle to the body using curved lines to create the guide for the bear's neck. Then, connect the body circles using longer horizontal lines to form the torso. Remember to curve the lines to give the body a round shape.

Step 5: Inside the head, draw two small circles for the bear's eyes. Use the lines as guides to help you position the eyes

Step 5: Adding Facial Details

Inside the head, draw two small circles for the bear's eyes. Use the lines as guides to position the eyes correctly. Make the sides of the shapes pointy to represent the corners of the eyes. In each eye, draw two small circles for the pupils and highlights. Shade in the pupils. Add a few lines around the eyes to depict fur. Near the bottom edge of the muzzle, draw an oval as a guide for the nose. Use curved lines to create the nostrils and add a short line in the middle. Darken the arcs on top of the head to form the ears and add short strokes inside for fur.

Step 6: Draw a line under the nose to create the bear's mouth. Under the mouth, draw another curved line for the chin

Step 6: Final Touches

Draw a line under the nose to create the bear's mouth. Underneath the mouth, add another curved line for the chin. Add a couple of lines near the sides of the initial circle and on top of the nose to define the side and top of the muzzle. Use short strokes to create a furry texture.

That's it! You've successfully drawn an American Black Bear. Now, step back and admire your creation. Remember, art is all about expressing your unique perspective. Don't be afraid to experiment and add your personal touch to make the bear truly yours.

For more exciting drawing tutorials and art inspiration, make sure to visit Shill Art – Express Your Creativity. Unleash your imagination and let your creativity soar!

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