How to draw a nose from the front – 7 easy steps

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how to draw the nose front view

Drawing a nose from the front view can be a bit challenging, but with these 7 easy steps, you'll be able to create realistic and captivating nose drawings. By breaking down the nose into its three main parts – the bridge, nostrils, and ball or tip – you'll find it much easier to achieve symmetry and accuracy. So grab your drawing materials and let's get started!

Step 1: Begin with a Circle

how to draw noses front view

To start, draw a circle to represent the ball of the nose. Then, add two curved lines on each side of the circle to form the bridge. Make sure to keep your strokes light so they can be easily erased in later steps.

Step 2: Sketch the Nose Shape Guidelines

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Next, draw a horizontal line across the middle of the circle. This line will serve as a guideline for the nose shape. Then, create a diamond-like shape around the line to outline the nostrils.

Step 3: Shade the Nose Bridge and Tip

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Shade around the outer part of the bridge and the inner part of the circle, forming a long “U” shape. Notice that the shading is thicker at the top of the bridge, as it connects to the brow bones. Don't worry if the guidelines you drew earlier don't blend perfectly with your shading; you can darken the drawing later.

Step 4: Define the Nostrils

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Using the diamond shape you drew earlier, add the nostrils to your nose drawing. By doing this, the nose will start to take shape and come together beautifully.

Step 5: Add Shading to the Nostrils

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Now, shade the nostrils, but remember to leave some areas untouched. These untouched areas will allow you to add highlights later on, adding depth and realism to your drawing.

Step 6: Shape and Contour the Nose

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Shape and contour the bridge and ball of the nose according to your desired style. You can shade around the top of the circle to make the nose appear pointed or shade the middle of the circle to give it a flatter look. If any areas appear too dark or any lines show through, use an eraser to dab those areas and create highlights.

Step 7: Blend and Refine

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To give your drawing a softer look and blend the shading, use a blending stump. Gently blend out the skin around the nose. Make any necessary touch-ups and go over your highlighted areas once more with a kneaded eraser. Remember, you can always experiment with different diamond shapes and shading techniques to create unique nose shapes.

That's it! You've successfully learned how to draw a nose from the front view. If you want to explore drawing noses from different angles or learn more about drawing faces, check out my other tutorials on the Shill Art website. And don't forget to share this tutorial with your friends who might enjoy it!

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