DIY Mother’s day handprint card kids Can make

Is there anything more heartwarming than creating a special keepsake gift for Mom? Whether it's for Mother's Day or her birthday, a handmade card will make her day extra special.

As parents, we know all too well how quickly our little ones grow up. The saying, “Days are long, but years are short” perfectly captures the feeling of watching our babies become independent individuals.

But fear not! We can freeze a precious moment in time and create a lifelong memory through art. One beautiful idea is to make a DIY Mother's Day card using their cute little handprints.

This handprint art card allows you to imprint your baby's or toddler's hand onto a sheet of paper, preserving their adorable handprint forever. It's a personalized gift from your child that will melt Mom's heart.

This craft is suitable for babies and toddlers, but if you have an older child, don't worry! Just use a bigger sheet of paper and let them get creative too.

To get started, you'll need a few materials. Here's what you'll need:

  • A4 or letter-size construction papers
  • Washable tempera paint or watercolor paint
  • Washi tape (optional)

Let's make a handprint card for Mother's Day step-by-step:

Mother's Day Card #1

  1. Take two A4 or letter-size construction papers and trim them down to your desired size.
    Mother's Day Card 1

  2. Apply paint to your child's hand, making sure to cover it evenly.

  3. You can also add some paint to a plate and let your child dip their hand to get paint on their hands.

  4. Before the paint dries, press your child's hand onto the center of the paper to create a handprint.
    Mother's Day Card 1

  5. To make the borders pretty, add washi tape along the four sides of the card.

  6. Write a heartfelt Mother's Day greeting on the card.

  7. You can also ask your toddler for words to describe their mom and include them in the card.

  8. And voila! Your beautiful handprint card is ready to be gifted to Mom.

Mother's Day Card #2

  1. Repeat the same steps of applying paint to your child's hand and making the handprint on the paper.
    Mother's Day Card 2

  2. Write a heartfelt Mother's Day greeting and a special message for Mom.
    Mother's Day Card 2

  3. Let your creativity flow and add any embellishments you like.
    Mother's Day Card 2

  4. And voila! Another beautiful handprint card ready to be gifted to Mom.

With just a few materials and some creativity, you can create a precious and personalized gift that Mom will cherish forever.

Remember, the most important thing is the love and effort you put into making the card. So have fun and let your creativity run wild!

If you want to see more Mother's Day craft ideas, check out our website. And don't forget to visit our YouTube channel for even more creative tutorials.

Express Your Creativity with Shill Art – Visit our website for inspiration and creative ideas.

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More Mother's Day Craft Ideas:

  • Mother's Day Message Flower Craft
  • Mother's Day Heart Card Craft
  • Mother's Day Gift – ‘Box of Love' with Love Messages for Mom

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