How to Draw Homer Simpson

Video how to draw a homer simpson step by step

How to Draw Homer Simpson

In this article, we will learn how to draw Homer Simpson, one of the most iconic characters in American culture. Drawing Homer can be a fun and rewarding experience, and with a few simple steps, you'll be able to create your own version of this beloved character.

Step 1 – Draw the Eyes of Homer Simpson

Let's start with the eyes. Carefully place two equal-sized circles in the upper part of the picture, imagining Homer rolling his eyes trying to find you! Don't forget to add two dots inside the circles to serve as pupils.

Step 2 – Draw the Mouth and Nose of Homer

Next, move down and draw the upper part of the mouth and nose. Keep in mind the funny and bulging shapes that define Homer's face.

Step 3 – Draw the Top of the Head

To define Homer's head, draw an oval shape over the eyes. Remember to keep the lines smooth and avoid sharp corners. This will help create a pleasant and good-natured appearance.

how to draw a cartoon homer simpson

Step 4 – Draw the Ear and Chin

Finalize the head by adding the ear. Use two barely noticeable lines to indicate the auricle. On the opposite side of the head, draw the second ear. Connect the nose line with a smooth curve to create the chin.

Step 5 – Draw the Hair and Neck

Add a few strokes above the ear to create a letter M shape, representing Homer's hairstyle. At the top of the head, draw two semicircles. These will form Homer's distinctive hairstyle. Finally, mark the neck with two straight lines.

Step 6 – Draw the Top of the Polo of Homer Simpson

Homer Simpson is often seen wearing a white polo, so let's dress our character accordingly. Draw the collar with straight lines and add a semicircle for the shoulder. Make sure the proportions of the clothes match Homer's head.

how to draw homer simpson easy

Step 7 – Draw the Fingers

Complete the arms and shoulders by drawing the sleeves. Add three thick fingers in the foreground, as if they are clasping the shoulder.

Step 8 – Draw the Arms

Create the crossed arms pose. Draw two semicircles originating from one sleeve and going under the other arm. Add a curved line for the second arm, and you're done! Make sure Homer's arms are crossed in your artwork.

Step 9 – Draw the Bottom of Homer's Polo

Take into account Homer's round figure when drawing the belly. Two lines along the edges should create the shape of Homer's rounded figure, and the bottom line will mark the border of the belly, which transitions into the loose pants.

homer simpson sketch how to draw

Step 10 – Draw the Legs

Now let's move on to the pants. Draw a large semicircle for the pants, and a barely noticeable line for the other leg. Add three vertical lines going down. The lower you drop these lines, the longer Homer's legs will appear.

Step 11 – Draw the Bottom of the Pants

To complete the pants, draw two parallel lines at the bottom of the legs to create the cuffs. This will give our Homer a more fashionable look!

Step 12 – Draw the Shoes of Homer Simpson

Almost there! Draw the boots, paying attention to the lines that indicate a low heel. The toes should be rounded. If you've followed the steps correctly, Homer should be looking at you with approval!

homer simpson drawing tutorial

Step 13 – Erase the Guidelines

Remove any unnecessary guidelines and take a look at your drawing. Homer Simpson is known for his funny bulging eyes and good-natured appearance, so make sure your version captures those characteristics.

Step 14 – Color the Homer Drawing

If you've watched The Simpsons, you know the color palette for Homer Simpson. Color his skin yellow, the circle around the mouth light brown, the jeans blue, and the boots gray or gray-green.

How to Draw Homer Simpson

That's it! You've completed the Homer Simpson drawing lesson. Take a moment to review all the details. If your character looks funny and resembles Homer Simpson from the TV series, you're on the right track. We hope this mini-guide has not only improved your drawing skills but also brought you a sense of joy and creativity.

So, what cartoons do you enjoy watching? Do you have any other cartoon characters you would recommend us to draw?

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