Video how to draw a transformer step by step

If you're a fan of Transformers, you've come to the right place! In this article, we'll show you how to draw your favorite Transformers characters step by step. Grab your pencils and let's get started!


Bumblebee is undoubtedly one of the most beloved Transformers characters. Follow the easy-to-follow steps below and learn how to draw Bumblebee:


Start by drawing the basic shape of Bumblebee's body. Don't forget to include his iconic helmet and insect-like features. Add details such as his eyes and mouth.

Next, outline his robotic body and limbs. Remember to include the wheels on his feet and the car-like features on his chest.

Once you've finished outlining, erase any unnecessary lines and add shading to give Bumblebee a more three-dimensional look.

Congratulations! You've successfully drawn Bumblebee from Transformers. Now you can show off your artistic skills to your friends.


Another fan-favorite is Grimlock, the powerful Dinobot. Follow these simple steps to draw Grimlock:


Start by drawing the shape of Grimlock's head and mouth. Pay attention to his sharp teeth and fierce expression.

Next, sketch the muscular body of Grimlock. Don't forget to add his spiked tail and robotic details.

Once you've outlined the main body, erase any unnecessary lines and add shading to give Grimlock a more realistic look.

Well done! You've successfully drawn Grimlock from Transformers. Now you can bring this mighty Dinobot to life on paper.


Ironhide is the battle-scarred soldier and longtime friend of Optimus Prime. Here's how you can draw Ironhide:


Start by drawing the outline of Ironhide's head and facial features. Include his powerful-looking body and robotic details.

Next, outline his arms and legs, paying attention to the mechanical components.

Once you've finished outlining, erase any unnecessary lines and add shading to give Ironhide a bold and rugged appearance.

Great job! You've successfully drawn Ironhide from Transformers. Now you can display your artistic talent by showcasing your Ironhide artwork.


Jazz, the short-lived, jive-talking robot, is another fun character to draw. Follow these steps to bring Jazz to life:


Start by drawing the outline of Jazz's head and his unique visor. Don't forget to capture his expressive facial features.

Next, sketch his sleek and agile robotic body. Jazz is known for his cool and smooth moves, so make sure to give him a dynamic pose.

Once you've finished outlining, erase any unnecessary lines and add shading to give Jazz a sense of depth and dimension.

Well done! You've successfully drawn Jazz from Transformers. Now you can groove along with this iconic Autobot.


Drawing your favorite Transformers characters is a great way to express your creativity and show off your artistic skills. Whether it's Bumblebee, Grimlock, Ironhide, or Jazz, each character has its own unique charm. So grab your pencils and start drawing!

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